Iconfactory Tapestry
Sponsorship Payment
Terms of Sale
All sales are final. No refunds.
Ad Content
All titles, images, and descriptions must be appropriate for a general audience of all ages, and may not contain profane, explicit, suggestive, offensive, or sexual content. Ads may not contain false, misleading, anti-scientific, or unsubstantiated claims that may cause harm. Any other content that may be considered harmful, offensive, or in poor taste by The Iconfactory will not be approved for use. The Iconfactory reserves the right to refuse or cancel any ad purchase, for any reason, at its sole discretion. The price and quantity of ads sold may change at any time.
The Iconfactory may edit ad content for technical, layout, or style-conformance purposes, such as resizing images or performing minor copy edits if necessary. You will have the opportunity to approve the ad before it goes live.
Performance metrics are updated daily from current ad performance. Ad viewership varies over time, and response rates depend on the quality, content, and relevance of your ad.
There are two payment plans: a one-time charge that runs your ad for a single month and a recurring charge that runs your ad until you cancel.
You can cancel a subscription by emailing webmaster@iconfactory.com and your ad will run through the end of the current period and not renew.
Tapestry is a free app with premium features.